Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A world abound with mysteries.

  This planet we live on, its a wonderful place. The cosmos beyond Im sure are just as beautiful if we had the ability to explore them. In our short time here we have figured out so many things about our world and the way it works, and were even beginning to look into the universe and unlock its secrets. But there are things far more mysterious still. Beyond the realm of science and into the realm of myth and legend. Spirits of great power who rule over the natural world, and creatures of magic and majesty beyond compare. We often dismiss things like this as merely myth. But behind every legend lies a grain of truth. And sometimes I wonder just where that grain lies. While many cultures have their own unique legends, the ones I find interesting are the ones that are prominent in cultures around the globe in cultures that have never met. From Ryujin, the Japanese God and guardian of the sea, to the Leviathan of hebrew sacred texts to the Kolowisi of native American legend. Somehow the same concept, that of a serpent or dragon of the sea with the horns of a stag, made its way around the world to many people. It seems that any culture that has laid eyes on the sea has its own legend about essentially the same thing. And of that I cannot help but ponder the implications as more than coincidental.

  The concept of ghosts has become more accepted in the modern world as well. While in the ancient world everyone believed in such things, there came an age of science and knowledge. And with that, such seemingly magical concepts were cast off as gibberish of the ancients. But yet the more we learned about the world the more mysterious the supernatural world became. Eventually it became more and more apparent that some concepts of magic and myth such as the soul, had some truth behind them. We have many solid and trustworthy methods for debunking supposedly "paranormal" evidence. Nevertheless, unexplained events continued to occur despite everything we did to disprove them. While our ancestors had some primitive and foolish thoughts on the world, they were also well aware of the fact that not everything can be explained in this life. And that there is one afterwards. While many consider an afterlife to be a man made concept to shield against the fear of imminent mortality. Many have seen undeniable proof that such worlds beyond physical being certainly exist. I myself have seen that there is a life beyond this one. And have had others verify the things I have seen.

  Besides the human soul itself, many believe that there are spirits in nature, and even of collective groups of people. Whether these spirits be reminiscent of our own souls or whether they are something else entirely, perhaps something more divine and independent, is really not universally known. While I am sure there exist people who have been enlightened to things that I have not, just as I have been been enlightened to things others have not, this is hardly common knowledge. Such spirits may protect or even discipline us and we have no awareness of it whatsoever. Even tales of angels and similar spirits of the deceased that have ascended to higher levels of purity and power in the afterlife are quite common throughout the world.

  However for every victory there is a defeat, and a dusk for every dawn. The mysterious powers in the world are not always there to protect us. People love tales of Angelic guardians. To think that our ancestors grow so close to divinity in the afterlife purely in the interest of protecting and guiding us is a wonderful thought. But tales of demons and monsters are equally common. From terrible beasts that  revel in destruction and terror to dark spirits that plague us with nightmares and feed upon our very souls, the world has no shortage of dark and terrifying legends either. While many of these are also merely myths, born of ignorance and a need to explain the unexplained. It would seem that some of this darkness is indeed lurking through the shadows in the world. While being a non religious type I tend to steer clear of the Abrahamic definition of "demons" there are certainly very, very dark spirits in the world that should be avoided at all costs. Now, to my knowledge I can only personally confirm spirits of the dead that have taken on a very dark and evil nature. As for demons and other dark spiritual entities I cannot fully say that they exist. But given how many things I have seen on the divine side of things It would surprise me little if the tails side of that coin is just as prominent. Again, there may be others who are more enlightened than I in this particular area.

  I wonder also, since the mind can create things that do not exist within our bodies, as mentioned in one of my previous articles. If the same is not responsible for many of these darker entities as well? Since we do not know how spirits are brought into this world, this area of the occult is very much open to theories. One such theory that I have is, and it may be a hard pill to swallow, but bear in mind that it is only a theory; Is that many dark spiritual entities or 'demons" as some call them are born of our own minds. Our fear, our hate, anger, greed and our darkest of desires. Could it be that we ourselves have the power to produce these beings from ourselves? Perhaps the term "inner demons" has more to it than previously imagined. So many cultures have their own ideas about these dreaded spirits. But perhaps they are created by the darkness in our own hearts and take the form of what we imagine them to be. While that thought may be slightly disturbing it may also lend credibility to such wide varieties of different spirits around the world. We know so little about the world beyond our five senses that the possibilities are literally endless. 

  So since Ive bothered to say all this, I should note that while heavily spiritual and very much an occult enthusiast I am not one to believe things without evidence. I believe that we must take responsibility for our own actions and not blame some red, horned fellow with a pitch fork every time something goes awry in the world. And while faith in the divine and prayer can be a good thing, I also maintain that where applicable, getting off your knees and working to improve things yourself is much more reliable. A good expression that I have heard is to "be open minded, but not so much that your brains fall out". It is one thing to believe that the world is full of mysterious things that we may never understand. Because I can personally guarantee this is true. But to deny fact and proof in favor of superstition is just foolish. That is why I am not religious, there are too many preconceived notions and it invites fear and misunderstanding. But I am not a man purely of science either, because I know the world cannot be fully explained on a calculator. I remain very spiritual and open to new lessons the world has to teach, but If I uncover something that shows my beliefs simply were not true I can accept that as well. 

  So enjoy it my friends, the world is an incredible place full of endless adventures and mysteries. Let the light into your heart, be open to the worlds teachings, no matter what you think of them. Remember to stay out of the dark if you can help it. Do not let fear control you, embrace the unknown and the shadows may be illuminated for you. Be curious, but also be cautious. And never grow bored of life.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The mystery that is music

   Music... It sure is a powerful thing isn't it? It's among the oldest of of arts. Humans have been tapping rhythmically on objects and humming the notes that blow through the trees since well before we evolved into our current state. Somehow simple notes strung together in a certain order can do everything from lower the heart rate of an individual person to spurring revolutions that change the world forever. Somehow the power of this most ancient of arts has shaped the world as we know it. The right tune can completely change a persons way of thinking. A mothers lullaby can stay deep within a child's mind and put a smile on his face every time he hears the song again, or even if a few notes from it blow through the air. Even if the song hadn't been sung to him in decades, the memory of music and a mothers voice stays with us forever. What is it that makes the beat of drums and an electric guitar so motivating to our bodies? Just why does the sound of the ancient Japanese koto harp relax us and whisk our imaginations away to far away lands? For such a long held practice among our species Its surprising how little we understand the mystic power that music holds.

  Music has changed the world in several ways. The best example I can think of is the Beatles, and the social revolution they started. In their time the way they looked was quite taboo and many record companies rejected them for it, assuming a bunch of kids with shaggy hair would never get anywhere. But how wrong they were in the end. They brought to this world a sound, the likes of which had never been heard before. And it absolutely exploded with popularity. Soon enough, it not only became accepted, but social standard to express yourself in new and unique ways. For once, No one minded if you didn't look just like them. That factor alone changed the world in who knows how many other ways. It's not too much of a stretch to say the Beatles are the reason I am able to write and share this blog today, rather than being beaten over the head with a bible over it, As would certainly have been the case in the 50's. So I have enormous respect for those four  young lads from Liverpool and everything they did for this world.

 As invigorating and upheaving as it can be sometimes, certain types of music can soothe and calm the soul like nothing else. I can get into a deep meditation so much faster listening to the beautiful and exotic melodies of the far east. It quiets the mind, calms the soul and puts my heart at peace with everything around me. Some songs go so far as to put me to sleep because they are quite frankly, overwhelmingly peaceful. The delicate sound of a woman's voice soothes me deeply regardless of the language. Perhaps that relates to hearing my mother sing to me when I was little that I am almost instantly comforted by such a sound. The little Mermaid hit the nail on the head, having a beautiful singing voice is easily one of the most attractive qualities by far. Just look at Susan Boyle, people only saw some fat lady with scraggly hair. But as soon as she opened her mouth people were absolutely in love with her, curious?...isn't it? 

   Music can also have negative effects as well however. Most people might automatically assume I mean the usually angry, blatantly violent and unruly rap genre. But People have used music to prepare men mentally for war for thousands of years. War music was in all cultures the only surefire way to get thousands of men ready to fight and kill so easily. In many ways music is almost a form of hypnosis. And while yes, many rap artists do produce many songs promoting anger, anarchy and hate there are more than a handful who simply enjoy the beat and how easy it is to improvise. For those people there is nothing wrong with it at all and like any other music it can motivate them, put a smile on their face and bring their hearts vivid memories of younger days. While the method may be different the purpose is the same, to bring joy into the world, and used like that it can be as pure and beautiful as any piece by Mozart.

   It changes every day, Music... and yet just the same we go over the same concepts over and over. Goodness knows how many love songs are out there, yet we never grow tired of them. There are only so many notes and frequencies the human ear is even able to pick up on. Yet somehow for tens of thousands of years we've been able to come up with more music that speaks to our hearts  in different ways the entire time. It is a beautiful and mystical thing that no one can quite explain. None of the other senses can be stimulated to quite the same varied and powerful effects as that of music to our ears, (hence the phrase). No smell, sight, taste, feeling, and not even the sixth sense can quite compare. they say the eyes are the window to the soul. So perhaps the ears are the door? Whatever your beliefs on that, Music will always be a part of our lives and we will continue to treasure it, and admire those who are gifted enough to make it. Even many of our brothers in the animal kingdom make and enjoy music of their own. The wind, the trees and the water provide their own melodies as well. So perhaps the mystic power music holds, is that in a way it represents the essence of life itself. There may be reasons far beyond our understanding that music has been in the world since time immemorial. It is timeless, ageless, boundless and is among the most influencing things we will ever know, and the world is what it is because of it. Music will never cease to change the world, and its reach may extend far beyond this little blue and green gem we call home someday. I only lament that i will not live long enough to see for myself how it will grow and change in that time...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The real power of real friendship.

   There are times in our lives when we feel utterly hopeless. Like the world hates us and there's nothing we can do to keep from crying until there's not a drop of water left in our bodies. It's at times like this when having friends is really a relief. Now, society has somehow perverted the true meaning of friendship and reduced the standards by which you can call someone a friend. very few people understand that nowadays. A friend is not someone who just goes to school with you that you hang out with sometimes. A friend, a true friend is someone who is there for you when you're in need. Now, that isn't to say that you have to constantly spend time with someone to call them a friend. I've seen my friends only once in the past 3 years, due to circumstances beyond my control. Despite that however, They are people who would, and have in the the past helped me in times of need without hesitation. At one point a very good friend of mine lost contact with me due to getting a new phone. after realizing he hadn't heard from me in a while he worked tirelessly to recover my number to make sure I was alright. Now of this, I can only say I wish I had been a slightly better friend and tried harder to contact him first. But at that point in my life I was used to people casting me aside and being abandoned. So I figured this was yet again the case. After that incident I never doubted him again, and never will. He is, and will always be one of my best friends. More like a brother really. He has helped me and my sisters when we were alone and without food or money. Offered me a place to stay when I needed to get away for a while, whether it was convenient for him or not. That is the kind of thing a true friend does.

  Too many people call each other friends, when short of the occasional outing there is nothing between them. A friendship is not a social status. Its love, a unique kind of love that is not inborn nor is it necessarily sparked by any sort of initial attraction as is the case in romantic love. In a love between relatives there is a sort of obligatory love that takes root even if you don't even know someone. With a romantic partner there are obviously hormones and other factors at play. But with a true, deep friendship there is no such obligation, no outside factors. There is merely a closeness of the soul that blooms into the beautiful flower of true friendship. Keep your mind open, because I don't use the analogy of a flower merely to sound sappy and poetic. But a friendship is much like a flower, It has to have healthy soil, it has to be nourished and allowed to see the light. Only then will it bloom brightly and beautifully, It cant be neglected because thats how friendships die, the same as with flowers. Once it blooms though it truly is something beautiful to be admired. Because many people give up before they ever get to that point. Friendships, like any plant however, grow at different rates, and you can speed up the process depending on how well you nourish and care for it. I should be so lucky to have the small garden I do. I don't have many true friends, but the ones I have I would absolutely lay my life on the line for. They are friends that I wish everybody could have. If there is a heaven it wouldn't be so for me without them. But I think people are afraid of that level of friendship. Afraid to open their hearts and let their deepest fears and emotions be known. Many people cant even be honest with themselves, much less with someone else. When you think about it though, We're all related, whether you believe in God, the teachings of Buddha or in the merit of science makes no difference. We all share DNA and we all are united in the human spirit. Our own fear of our feelings and irrational hatred are all that stands in our way. we may not all think the same way, or believe the same things. But often the deepest of friendships grow on the smallest of commonalities, and the differences are worked out from there. Why cant everyone do that? Im sure we all have more in common with our enemies than you could possibly imagine. If we cast aside our differences Im sure we could find common ground with anyone. if nothing else than just in the experience of being human.

  Friendship, is a very powerful thing. It's not just a powerful medicine. but in our darkest moments it greatly prolongs the will to live. I maintain that its what makes life worth living. It is a very pure form of love, with no obligation and no selfish motives. Only the desire to be close to someone for no other reason than to be there for them and to have someone to be there for you. to bring more joy in your life and to soften the hard landings. A true friend can mean more to a person than any amount of outside happiness in the world. Id rather die on the streets than live like a king without my friends. You can fool your heart into loving an obscure cousin you've never met, and you can be blinded by passion in romance. But friendship truly is all up to you. There are no excuses, and you don't get to have it without putting yourself in another's shoes, to try and understand them. It is by its very nature, selfless and beautiful. It isn't like the love between mother and child. Friendships are delicate. they die all too often, usually through neglect or sabotage. But when two people become the best of friends and stay that way all their lives. there's nothing more rewarding. more powerful or more beautiful in the world than that.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

PSI Abilities 101: Thermokinesis

Thermokinesis is the ability to manipulate atoms composing an object to manipulate its temperature. It is, in a sense the parent ability to both cryokinesis and pyrokinesis. mental control over ice and fire, respectively. While Thermokinesis on a basic level is a fairly easy ability to learn, and Im sure, quite common. The latter two are extremely advanced and very rare abilities. It is related to Electrokinesis in a sense that you are manipulating and changing subatomic structures. but in this case controlling protons and neutrons, rather than loose plasmic clouds of electrons.. the manipulations of plasmas would be, naturally, plasmokinesis. For this reason, pyrokinesis could also be considered a member of the plasmokinesis family. but we'll cover that aspect in another article.

Now, the easiest ability to learn in the Thermokinetic tree of PSI abilities is called psionic or psychokinetic thermoregulation. While it may be a mouth full, its really just using your mind to manipulate the speed of atomic interactions in your body. This is not the same as calming your body in deep meditation. This ability is essentially telekinesis at the subatomic level. with this you can stay warm or cool despite the outside temperature. i have found that I use this ability in everyday life probably more than any other. On one occasion, I was working at a warehouse in the late fall season when there was a fire in the warehouse. now, it wasn't winter just yet but here it can get very cold very early in the season, and the temperatures were easily in the low teens by then (fahrenheit). After we evacuated the building I was stuck outside in well below freezing weather with only a thin hoodie on for about 2- 2 1/2 hours before the (extremely heartless) management finally caved and let us go home. after shivering profusely for about an hour It finally occurred to me that it might be a good time to use the PSI Thermoregulation technique I had taught myself. and so for the next hour and a half or so I sat quietly on the ground using what energy my mind had left to excite the molecules in my body and keep myself at least somewhat warm. Eventually I stopped shivering and my lips regained their original hue. And I was quite proud of what I had accomplished. out of the several hundred of us there I was likely the only one with warm hands. I have however, found that cooling the body in significantly hot temperatures is somewhat more difficult. Im not sure why that is, but I've had a much more difficult time with that. It may just be me though and others find that easier. I cant say for sure. but its a useful ability to have, but Ill explain its execution later.

  Now you can also use this ability outside your own body and apply it to other objects or beings. and save for warming up a fellow person while you yourself continue to freeze to death I cant see much use in this. generally psionic thermoregulation is only able to produce changes in temperature of a few degrees, using it on objects will have.... basically no useful or noticeable effect whatsoever. ((oh joy, that glass of water is 3 degrees warmer!)). but in the case of the human body where 2 degrees internally is the difference between ideal and the beginning stages of hypothermia It's a very practical and possibly lifesaving application. Now, on the more extreme ends of the scale you have two of the coolest and most sought after abilities in the entire world of PSI. Pyro and cryokinesis. these are extremely elusive and rare powers because  unlike normal thermokinesis that manipulates the temperatures in the lower single digits of degrees. These forms are powerful enough to cause objects to spontaneously combust, or freeze in a very short amount of time from room temperature. From what I understand there are VERY few reports of legitimate pyrokinetic abilities and even fewer of cryokinetic abilities. Such abilities border on magic and superhuman powers and thus, most believe they simply don't exist at all. While I like to believe they do exist and are in fact possible I have yet to see legitimate examples in my research yet. Beyond a few reports of pyrokinetic abilities that were not scientifically confirmed. Now, Id like to save the rest of pyrokinesis for another article, but I should explain that there are two different "sub forms" of it. Combustive and manipulative, combustive being the rare and unusual one, is the ability to create fire with the mind. and manipulative being the ability to manipulate an already existing flame. while the former is practically unheard of the latter is quite common and fairly easy. but doesn't really fall under thermokinesis but rather, plasmokinesis. As I mentioned earlier.

  Now then, lets move on to how you actually learn this ability.  This ability is best pursued after one is fairly versed in meditation. After laying that foundation, the framework all comes down to visualization and a self induced placebo effect. You have to get into a trance-like state of meditation where you can regain conscious thought while still maintaining excellent focus. If you're half in, half out it wont work. You have to visualize your internal body structure down to the smallest level. Visualization is key in many PSI abilities. picture the tightly bound molecules of the solid parts of your internal body and strongly focus on visualizing their movement gradually picking up speed, or slowing down. It is actually helpful in this case to have a working knowledge of subatomic structures and how they work. It doesn't have to be in-depth, but understand the basics of opposing and attracting forces that bind atoms into molecules and molecules into strings of chemical makeup into individual cells and so on... So that you at least know what to visualize. you have to absolutely convince yourself that its going to work. Even if the mind has to tell the body a little white lie to get it to respond thats ok. There cannot be a shred of doubt, as Yoda said "do, or do not. there is no try". That quote describes it perfectly. You have to just.... do it. if its working, great! if not... tell yourself it is and the body will eventually respond. As is the self induced placebo effect I mentioned earlier. If you believe it enough it will happen. This is a scientifically proven fact. Perfectly healthy people have severely weakened their immune systems and in many cases died because they were passionately convinced that they were sick when they were not. Which led to the body actually beginning to decline in health on pure mental power. Use that power to your advantage in this case rather than for self pity and destruction. One more tip though is to learn this while in an area of notable temperature. In room temperature you might not even notice the effects if they do happen. Its a bit like tracking weight loss without a scale. instead, find a place that is noticeably warm or chilly. you should be slightly uncomfortable, sweating or shivering. when you notice the external signs of thermal distress have disappeared you'll know you did it. External thermokinesis is much the same. but focus on an object and be sure to take before and after temperature readings of said object. Heck, save yourself the trouble and use the thermometer itself as the object of your focus. that however, can be done at room temperature just fine. and should be, as temperatures remain much more stable indoors.  as far as pyrokinesis and cryokinesis... well, I imagine its very much the same. Its like running a lap around the track versus a marathon. Its not that the art of running is any different. its just on a different level of ability. And with that, I will simply say go forward with love courage in your heart. To be a true psion is to embrace peace and open mindedness. bear this in mind, and good luck my friends. :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

ESP abilities 101. Empathy

Empathy is an interesting ability. It is the psychic link between two beings. between two people, between people and animals. and even between people and the dead. It is a similar to telepathy only empathy is being able to sense the emotions and feelings of others rather than thoughts. this often even includes physical pain and sickness. This is both a very rare and a very common ability depending on the intensity of it. Generally empathetic links are created between two people who are very close, such as siblings, good friends, lovers and even beloved pets. what most legitimate pet psychics have is likely a very fine tuned empathetic sense. As telepathy with animals is impossible to my knowledge, given that they don't think in the same "mental language" if you will, as humans. But thats just my theory. But that is where the split between common and extremely rare kicks in. as I said before, low level empathy, is extremely common. What you pick up from people you know very well, you can tell at least on a "hot or cold" scale how they are feeling. Particularly strong emotions can be felt by just about anyone. Have you ever walked into a room and you KNOW people had been fighting very recently? there you go. That "tension" in the air is in fact the lowest levels of empathetic ability showing itself to just about anybody. even animals have this basic level, (moderately intelligent mammals at least).

  Now, high level empathy on the other hand is very rare. High level empathy is the ability to pinpoint very specific emotions very strongly and be able to identify the cause as being empathy, Even at great distances. High level empathy shows the ability to feel physical pain and ailments of another person quite clearly. Which is, obviously, not always a pleasant experience. Cases of such strong and clear empathetic links usually occur in Identical twins. where in fact it is almost unheard of for them not to share such a link. However, identical twins are hardly a common occurrence, so the ability, despite being in nearly 100% of identical twins is still very uncommon per capita. However there are some spectacularly rare individuals (such as myself) who are not twins yet have an extremely strong empathetic link to just about anyone they choose. and often without choosing! I have had several unusual incidents with this. One was Back in high school. I kept having these intense cramping sensations in my lower abdomen. i couldn't figure it out until a female friend of mine informed me that she was having really terrible menstrual cramps! It was strange indeed, having pain in parts that I didn't even have. But sure enough, after going to a different class and distancing myself from her the pain ceased, yet started again in her presence. and this went on for a few days until she stopped having the cramps. Another unusual incident was with my younger sister. We were all out at a farmers market when suddenly I felt absolutely awful. I was dizzy, had a severe headache, sensitivity to light and sound and felt as if I was constantly on the verge of tossing my cookies. I managed to very slowly make my way back home, stopping for a few minutes every block or so with my family at my side. When when we finally arrived home I sat on the couch and my sweet little sister brought me a bucket, you know... just in case. when suddenly I felt better, as if nothing had ever been wrong. then within seconds of my sudden, miraculous recovery my sister throws up in the bucket she had intended for me. She was very sick with the flu for a few weeks following. That highly unusual incident I might even say was a precognitive empathy. My connection with her let me know there was a problem, even though it had not become one yet for her. Although it served little benefit short of not having to clean up that first mess, it was still a very curious incident. That was the strongest empathetic reaction I have ever experienced and combined with a precognitive element to boot. I have little doubt that my own abilities combined with a deep love for my sister allowed me experience that. And it was, despite the discomfort, a very eye opening experience for me.

  Another very mysterious branch of empathy is empathetic mediumship. That is, the same sort of connection as mentioned above, but with beings who have already left this world. Ghosts usually make their presence known through intended empathetic signals giving us the feelings of deep sorrow, fear, and anger that is so often associated with haunted locales. what some call a residual  haunting is quite often a desperate attempt from weaker spirits to communicate. Surprisingly, many people share empathetic connections with the spirits far more often than with the living. this may be because after departing nothing but pure emotion of the soul is left behind. without the physical mind and body causing as much "background noise" if you will. The emotions displayed by these spirits is also very strong, obviously, strong enough to keep them here on earth past their time. Which reverts back to the "room where a fight had occurred" example made earlier in this article. This ability however, varies in sensitivity levels from person to person as well. with some practically dead to it and others being nearly driven insane by intense negative feelings that do not even belong to them. In rare cases even physical pain can be felt from the spirits. revealing the location and nature of the injury or illness that killed them. A chilling phenomenon if there ever was one... To go back to the subject of  twins for a moment, In the tragic event that one of a set of identical twins dies, the other is almost certain to immediately pick up strong empathetic mediumship capabilities. Which is why twins are so eagerly studied in the field of psychic research. Their unspoken connections with each other are among the most common and powerful on Earth. Lending valuable insight into the nature of ESP and the invisible bonds between people. In my mind, pure love is no doubt a factor.

   Now, how does one go about acquiring and training their own empathetic powers? well, thats a good question. Its very simple, and yet its not. Generally the most powerful universal empaths, (my term for folks like me who can rapidly establish a connection with anyone, rather than just close friends or family) are very kind, selfless and emotional individuals. We tend to put others before ourselves and have a tireless desire to help people. Usually, such powerful empaths are born that way and It's hard to say if anyone can in fact train themselves to that level. From my observation its a case of , you're either Mozart or you're not, you cant "become" that gifted. While I can't claim that as a fact It is simply what I've observed thus far. But it is still absolutely possible to strengthen empathetic power significantly. One must simply have a very kind heart and genuinely care about those around them. Thats why its so easy to have the connection with someone like a brother, friend or mother. But to establish connections quickly with anyone of your choosing often requires a complete overhaul in personality for many people. As with ALL psychic abilities meditation can be an enormous help as well. It allows you to calm your mind and reflect clearly on the events in your life. One of the major challenges to the inexperienced empath is sorting their own feelings from those around them. Recognizing that the feelings and emotions you experience are not always your own. I have no doubt in my mind that many people with personality disorders are in fact powerful empaths who are unaware of their power. So controlling empathetic sensitivity is far more important that strengthening it. If you are not skilled at reflecting and sorting your own emotions you have no business taking on those of others. It can be dangerous to your own mental health if you do not learn to calm yourself inside and properly sort your mental "files". it's the equivalent of having a mountain of paperwork to do that will take you all night and still volunteering to do 100x as much anyways. Its a fools game if you are not wary of this. It takes a strong mind and heart to be a universal empath. The gift to understand people is a beautiful and wonderful ability to have. And such powers make for an outstanding counselor, teacher or therapist. As well as an amazing friend or lover, empathetic power is NOT for the faint of heart. You have to be prepared for a heavy emotional weight on your shoulders. And sometimes the things you feel may frighten you. But to those who want to do good in the world and really be someone others can trust and rely on to understand their feelings, I encourage you to develop your empathetic abilities as far as you possibly can! and please, never hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Empaths need shoulders to cry on too you know! :)



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Revelations of a young life

I know that to some I, as a 21 year old am only a kid. But I have come to many profound realizations on peace, love and psionic powers. It occurs to me that there may in fact be a connection between the two. What have legitimate psychics always said? To strengthen your psychic abilities you have to be rid of your fear and doubt, that positive thinking and inner peace is the only definitive way to open your mind to that state of being. The pursuit of peace and love in the world, while walking for a different purpose, follows the same path. So naturally, the end results must coincide right? It's only logical that following a path of calmness, good mental health and cleansing of fear and judgement will lead to both a much greater understanding and a greater acceptance of life. That is the way for us all to live, try our very hardest to understand people. And to kindly accept them when you do not. That is not to say, pay no mind when they are following a path of destruction for themselves and others. Peace is something that must be promoted by its followers. A pure heart is a powerful one, and more of them vastly expands the influence. So my conclusion is that to seek the deeper powers of the mind and soul in psionics and to seek peace and compassion in the world is one in the same. A heart full of prejudice and hate cannot hope to achieve the powers that are available to a pure and just one. They both, do not deserve it, and cannot open their mind and allow that power to flow. Even though we all have the power within us. Some people are obviously more talented psychics than others. But why is that? A more powerful brain? a naturally peaceful and non-aggressive heart? perhaps both? I myself have been blessed with both of these gifts. I was put through a lot of abuse from the world as a child. I was always the oddball that the other kids liked to pick on. For years I was sad and bitter and angry. I wished so bad that all of the people who were mean to me would go and get hit by a bus or something. I never acted violently though. Despite my hatred for the way people treated me my heart was always too strongly peaceful to act out on my darker desires. But I was reaching the breaking point, I was quite frankly ready to strangle someone. But I found my peace in the most unlikely of places. A video game. It was early in 2008 that I discovered the Mother series by Nintendo. While I actually have not been able to play any of the games in the three part series until about a month ago I strongly followed the series' characters and story line.  And something about it comforted me. The message of peace and love as a far more powerful force than violence awakened something in me. After that I learned to forgive much more easily and let go of my anger and sadness. At that point I began to make friends more easily. Also thanks to a very special friend of mine who, despite our failed romantic relationship has changed my life forever. And to her I will always be grateful, and I am thankful beyond words that I met her. After all of this began happening, much to my surprise, I began to develop extrasensory and psychokinetic powers of my own, much like the beloved characters I so avidly attempted to emulate. While I had always had some abilities that popped up every now and then I was not aware that I had far greater power laying dormant. As I now believe we all do. It is an ability that we all share, It is not something to be feared, but something to be treasured. A gift that awaits us all if and when we are ready and worthy to receive it. While Psionic powers are at last being accepted and documented by science, I believe there is something much deeper and beyond scientific understanding at work. A mothers love for her child can transcend even the grave and still have a noticeable presence in the living world. That my friends, is not something you can explain with an EMF reader. And that psychic powers make her presence and purpose known, to feel her pain and anguish, to know her hopes and desires. That is a connection of the soul. love is not just a chemical reaction in the physical brain. It is a power that is far beyond what science can possibly explain. the soul contains no chemicals, It is at best scientific description, a loose electromagnetic plasma. So explain how love, and hate and sorrow, can possibly be merely a chemical reaction of the physical mind. No... thats not it at all. It is an invisible power that we are all aware of. It comes from the heart, which we have yet to fully understand. But those of us who decide to do away with the dark cloud of hate and fear are much much closer. So, is achieving ESP/PSI actually possible? absolutely. Is world peace possible? well, that depends on the people themselves. true heroes are needed. People with charisma, influence, a voice, complete lack of prejudice and most of all Love in their hearts. To think, the innocent heart of a child is so superior to most of us who are running the world. We could all learn some things from the little ones. We were all children at one point. Even Adolf Hitler was once a sweet and innocent child. That is because hatred and evil are learned skills. While purity and love are as natural as breathing and the desire for water. We must try to remember what it was like. The surprising wisdom of the children is one of the keys to achieving the most elusive goal of peace. and that, is all I have to say for today